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K2 Winter Heat Skis Ad Backflip Original 1970s Vintage Freestyle Ski Poster

K2 Winter Heat Skis Backflip Original 1970s Ski Poster, Size 21 x 30 inches

In the early 1970's, freestyle skiing had caught on and was all the rage for the brave at heart. The Winter Heat was a good ski for aerials. Size: 21 x 30 inches.
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Product Code: poster-org-k2-winter-heat-flip
K2 Winter Heat Skis Backflip Original 1970's Ski Poster

In the early 1970's freestyle skiing had caught on and was all the rage for the brave at heart. K2's light weight foam core skis were popular in the sport of Freestyle with the likes of Wayne Wong and others picking up sponsorships from k2. The winter Heat was a good ski for aerials. This guy is going for it! Anyone know who this is?

Poster Size - 21 x 30 inches
Size 21 x 30 inches.


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